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Autor / Procedencia:
Laura Benito Villar, Margarita Gutiérrez Valdés, Javier Magdaleno Fuentetaja, Gloria Maté González, María Luisa Méndez Sanabria and María del Mar Sánchez Bayón. Centro de Formación del Profesorado en Idiomas. Valladolid, Spain Dr. Paloma Castro and Dr. Elena González-Cascos. University of Valladolid, Spain. Dr. Lora Tamoši¿nien¿, Dr. Jelena Suchanova and Dr. Vilhelmina Vai¿i¿nien¿. Mykolas Romeris University Institute of Humanities, Lithuania Dr. Natalia Orlova and Dr. Jana Pavlíková. Faculty of Education at the Jan Evangelista Purkyn¿ University in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic Maria Latka and Beata Honkisz. Regional In-Service Teacher Training Centre ¿WOM¿. Bielsko-Biala, Poland Zuhal Yilmaz Dogan, Banu Yurtseven and Sedef Altas. Asist Ö¿retim Kurumlari A.¿. Istanbul, Turkey.
TC4PI Framework Document is a publication product of a multilateral Comenius project Teacher Competences for Plurilingual Integration (TC4PI) TC4PI Framework Document has the following features: ¿ TC4PI Framework is a theoretical description of a structure ¿ This document is a guide for teachers and future teachers. It provides guidelines for improving plurilingual integration in multicultural education environments. ¿ The framework is based on cooperation between partners coming from teacher education institutions, mobility for teachers and teacher trainers, strengthening of linguistic and intercultural competences, and reflecting and dialoguing on good practices in different education contexts. The triangle teacher education-research-innovation is conceived as an innovative element for contributing to lifelong learning.
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