
In this course, teachers will learn how to empower students to learn better by creating synergies between learning in different settings. Personalised learning and collaborative learning are both innovative teaching approaches that empower students in their own learning, not only at school, but also in a variety of so-called non-formal and informal settings outside school. Learning takes place when something captures the young person’s interest as it brings out emotions which allow teachers to reach students and motivate them to do their best while they take part in educational activities. This course is offered thanks to the collaboration between the Consejería de Educación de Castilla y León and European Schoolnet. Participants should have at least an intermediate level of English as the course will be held in that language.


  1. To promote teacher competences that encourage students to make links between their formal, non-formal and informal learning experiences
  2. To make teaching more relevant and inclusive by personalising it based on your students’ needs and interests.
  3. To integrate informal learning experiences and interests into their formal learning in the classroom to motivate students to learn in class.
  4. To organise group work with students that enables teachers to develop 21st-century skills and to explore new learning spaces.
  5. To empower students to identify their own learning styles and abilities


  1. Teacher competences that enable students to create links between the learning in different learning settings to empower them to become the drivers of their own learning
  2. Teacher competences that foster students’ autonomy and active participation and make their learning more enjoyable and fruitful.
  3. Informal learning experiences and interests into their formal learning in the classroom to motivate students to learn in class.
  4. 21st-century skills such as learning to learn and collaborating with others
  5. Students' learning and use these 21st-century skills in informal learning settings outside of school. Competencias Competencia intra e interpersonal Competencia didáctica y atención a la diversidad Competencia en innovación y mejora Competencia lingüístico-comunicativa Competencia digital (TIC) Competencia social-relacional


Profesorado - Cualquier nivel. Primary and secondary school teachers and teacher trainers.

Metodología y evaluación

This MOOC is online and will run for 5.5 weeks, with a total number of 4 modules, one module per week, and 1.5 extra-grace weeks at the end of the course. Once you have been admitted to the course, you will receive information to have access to the european schoolnet platform. All communications regarding this course will be done through your @educa.jcyl.es mail.

Temporalización y horario

La actividad se desarrollará entre el 21-ene-2019 y el 04-mar-2019. The course will run for 5.5 weeks, with a total number of 4 modules, one module per week, and 1.5 extragrace weeks at the end of the course. The workload estimated is 3-4 hours per week.

Inscripción on-line en la Web del CFPIEste enlace se abrirá en una ventana nueva, hasta el día 14-ene-2019.

Nº de plazas: 100.