

This MOOC is offered in collaboration with European Schoolnet due to the agreement reached between European Schoolnet and Consejería de Educación de Castilla y León.

The ‘Inquiry Based Teaching in Life Sciences’ MOOC is meant to enhance science teachers’ pedagogical competences and practices, and improve their conceptual understanding of life science to help them further establish and disseminate IBSE .

The MOOC will offer a selection of tested classroom activities and resources from ten European countries to empower life science teachers of 12-19 year old students in introducing IBSE methodologies in the classroom and help them reflect on their own practices.

Therefore, it is mainly meant for Science Teachers in Secondary education in Castilla y León although it is also open to teachers of any subjects.

The course will be in English and participants’ knowledge of English should be equivalent to a B2 level.


  1. To experience Inquiry as an adult learner.
  2. To acquire the skills and confidence to implement Inquiry Based Teaching in the classroom.
  3. To learn how to reflect on their own teaching practice.
  4. To enhance their personal and their students’ conceptual understanding of life sciences.
  5. To explore various formal and informal assessment approaches for IBSE.


  1. Inquiry Based Teaching in the classroom.
  2. Teaching examples to reflect on their own teaching practice
  3. Conceptual understanding of life sciences.
  4. Formal and informal assessment approaches to teaching Science.


  1. ICT competence.
  2. Communicative competence in a foreign language.
  3. Career Professional Development.
  4. Subject competence.

Selection criteria

  1. In-service teachers working in schools supported by public funds of the Community of Castilla y León.
  2. In case the number of inscriptions is superior to the places available, there will be a draw which will take place the 9th of march at CFP Idiomas.

Methodology and evaluation

This MOOC will run for six weeks, with a total of 5 modules, one module per week, and one extra week at the end of the course in order for participants to submit their final course activity and review the activity of three of their peers.

The course will be done through the European Schoolnet platform.


The course will start the 12th of march 2018 and will end the 25th of April 2017.


Inscription will start the 22nd of February until the 8th of March. You can sign in for the course in the CFPI webpage: enlace se abrirá en una ventana nueva.